Vineyard at dusk


We pride ourselves in carefully crafting our award winning wines from grapes that are sourced from some of the best regions in the world. We believe that a great wine is not about the price tag, rather, it is derived from enjoying what you're drinking amongst great friends and shared experiences.

Featured Wine


Winter Spiced Wildberry Wine

Winter Spiced Wildberry Wine

WINTER WARMTH Cherry Chocolate Port wine label - Fenton Winery

WINTER WARMTH Cherry Chocolate Port


Wine making process

Our equipment is comprised of large, Italian, stainless steel tanks that together can produce over 11,000 bottles of wine at one time! In addition, we have an American oak Foeder that can age 1,200 bottles of wine at a time and can be viewed from the hallway window. Most of our grapes are sourced from California where there is ample supply and variety available for the high demand, however, we source Michigan fruit such as cherries and apples for our blended styles!

Our winery operation produces over 20 wines, five of which are always on tap. We have wines for all palates: white, red & fruit wines with options ranging from dry to sweet. With so many options, you will certainly find a style that suits your palate. We also have a steady rotation of seasonal wines and specialties. Examples include Apple Pie wine in the fall, Winter Spiced wine in the winter, Blood Orange wine for summer, and our award-winning House Port fortified with French barrel-aged Brandy.

Fenton Winery - winery tanks


Do you sell other popular wines?

Michigan licensing does not allow us to serve any alcohol that is not made in our facility. Our bars serve only our small batch craft beverages. It provides for a unique experience and often guests love to explore new flavors. We have a very large selection of beverages and offer sampler trays for those who want to try a variety when they visit.

Wine Making Experience

For a truly unique experience, come to FWB to make your own wine. Beginning with a tasting at the bar, we will guide you through the selection process, blending the wine, bottling, corking and labeling. We will take care of the wine during the 4-10 week fermentation process. Whether coming to stock your cellar or just to enjoy a night out with your friends, the Fenton Winery & Brewery will provide the perfect backdrop for your special occasion.

The winemaking process:
1. Call ahead to make your reservation for wine making. This ensures that the winemaker is available to step you through the process of making your own vintage.

2. Taste our various wines and make your selection.

3. We’ll take you into the winery and guide you through starting the fermentation process.

4. The Fenton Winery & Brewery will monitor the fermentation process in our winery over the course of the next 4-8 weeks. We’ll rack, degas, clarify, and filter your wine.

5. After we call you, come back to FWB to finish the process by bottling, corking and labeling your wine. You can use one of our labels or create one of your own.

7. Take your wine home and enjoy it in the company of friends and family.

Your custom batches of wine will provide you with (30) 750ml bottles of wine.

Custom Labels

Create a one-of-a-kind gift for your friends and family.
We can personalize any of our bottles of wine with your own label design. We have simple, pre-formatted labels to choose from where you can change the text or we can make a label out of any picture you supply us.

There are no minimum bottle purchases required. It is fast and easy, come visit us in person or send us an e-mail to get your label started.